Thursday, July 22, 2021

Community and Partnership

The IVC Paralegal Program has partnered with Orange County Human Relations Council Dispute Resolution. IVC will utilize Paralegal students to help unrepresented parties to complete the dissolution of their marriage. In addtion, the clinic is taking on OC Small Claims cases. 

These efforts allow students to track cases as they progress. It also allows "clients" to be advised for free. I love my j-o-b and my students. 

We are currently seeking grant funding. This is a noble effort and I currently have 5 amazing students working hard to make all this possible.        

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Conservatorship's dirty little not-so-secret


It is time to transfer the knowledge. This is Boomer Knowledge inception.  

Semester after semester I teach my students about the basics of how "things" work in business and law.  I want them to already have this knowledge. Let them leap frog right over those painful lessons of learning it irl. In this blog, we can all discuss that knowledge. What kind of knowledge?

Everyday law (no legal advice), contracts, investments, arbitration clauses, financial literacy, and basics on the structure of the economy and the intersection with law. Also, my day would not be complete without contemplating marginalized populations who are deeply and usually adversely impacted by all the above topics.  

Let's get started. 

Teaching Wills, Trusts, and Estates this summer got me very focused on conservatorship in California for obvi reasons. As a lawyer myself, we all want to know exactly why the lawyers for Britney Spears did not advocate more for her pathway to independence over the years. Or did they? 

Before we get too deep in to it, Britney is a southern white woman with a lot of money in America. A compelling story of privilege and dysfunction that we all hope will raise awareness and then help women of color, the disabled, the elderly - all of whom suffer under a system that is rife with patriarchy and bias. If a white woman with all that status has to have an army of fans help her find her voice, what can we anticipate once we look under the rock of everyday conservatorship? 

To avoid tl;dr we can stop for now. Britney's story can help us peel back layers to find the structural problems here. As we watch all the companies and lawyers quit in order to distance themselves from the stink of this, what might this mean for everyday people struggling with these issues year after year unnoticed.

One truly is a lonely number. #BoomerMusic